Some little changes over the summer. Two new seats, as the 'proper' Cobra seats were very uncomfortable. Wind wings and sun visors to reduce the wind round the windscreen when going over about 20 mph. New exhaust baffles to alter (cough!) the exhaust note a bit. A new steering column mount and bulkhead bearing have been fitted to greatly reduce the slack in the steering system. Plus a new steering wheel is on order as I managed to drop the existing one whilst doing the steering column and cut the leather quite badly.
It has now been on the road for a whole year, on its second engine, fourth seat, second steering wheel and eighth gear lever collar bolt. It's been polished 5 time this year and is in need of another as soon as the weather cheers up a bit.
Just passed it's MoT and been re taxed for another exciting year, let's hope I have more time and better weather to do more than 700 miles in the next 12 months.